
Leggett Immobilier France Rochebeaucourt-et-Argentine

Agence immobilière

Entreprise française d’origine britannique créée en 1998, et agence immobilière leader de la résidence secondaire sur le marché français, Leggett Immobilier est unique dans le monde de l’immobilier français.

Tout est parti d’une petite entreprise familiale, qui s’est transformée en entreprise d’envergure nationale couvrant les régions les plus demandées de France. Notre équipe se compose de plus de 750 conseillers et de plus de 70 salariés, représentant 18 nationalités et parlant 12 langues différentes. Notre portefeuille quant à lui, compte plus de 6 000 biens proposés à la vente !

Entreprise à taille humaine, nous mettons un point d’honneur à être toujours à l’écoute de nos clients. Nos équipes d’experts (juridique, marketing…) sont là pour accompagner votre projet immobilier.

Découvrez ici nos avis clients !

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285 avis

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méthodes très limites

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un exemple : on m'adresse un projet de compromis, et quelques jours après je reçois le compromis à signer sans même avoir été informé de changement de la part des acquéreurs. j'étais pressée et j'ai fait l'erreur de signer sans le relire en pensant qu'il était identique au projet ! idem avec une lettre d'intention dans des conditions très douteuses,
Déposé le 24 Janvier 2024
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Leggett Immobilier France a répondu à cet avis :
Bonjour, Nous vous remercions d'avoir pris le temps de nous écrire et nous sommes désolés de lire que vous n'avez pas été satisfaite par votre expérience avec Leggett Immobilier. Nous vous assurons qu’elle ne reflète pas la qualité de notre service. Chaque retour nous est précieux, nous ferons bien sûr remonter le vôtre afin de pouvoir continuer à nous améliorer ! Cordialement,
L’équipe Leggett Immobilier International

Quality of service sadly lacking in correct information

Mise en vente
Incorrect info given on costs for necessary outsourced services. All costing a lot more than informed. Speaking to purchasers before discussing with us. Giving us incorrect cooling off period information. Having to find out more on-line than from the agent. Lack of viewing feedback.
Déposé le 24 Janvier 2024
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Leggett Immobilier France a répondu à cet avis :
We are sorry to read that you were not satisfied with your experience with Leggett Immobilier, we can assure you that this does not reflect the quality of our services. Every feedback we receive is really important to us and we will feed this information back to the relevant team members so we can understand what happened. Best regards,
L’équipe Leggett Immobilier International

Très mauvais, faute professionnelle

Mise en vente
J'ai confié la vente de ma maison située 22, Rue des petites B Indre en précisant à l'agent que le prix indiqué de 300 000 € était un prix net vendeur et qui n'était pas question de diminuer d'un centime ce prix. Ayant récupéré l'affaire avec un contact étranger, il a fait visiter la maison en donnant des explications très limitées et fausses, ayant refusé que je l'accompagne dans la présentation. Il ne parle pratiquement qu'anglais, ce qui ne convenait pas aux acheteurs éventuels. Lorsque ce prospect, de retour chez lui à l'étranger la appelé et lui a demandé s'il pouvait négocier le prix, ce monsieur s'est permis, contrairement aux directives précises que je lui avais fournies, de conseiller de proposer un prix d'achat à 270 000 € ! De plus, le jour de la vente, il ne m'a pas présenté à sa directrice que je ne connaissais pas. Ne soyez pas surpris si je fournis les appréciations très négatives sur la qualité du service que vous proposez par l'intermédiaire de ce monsieur. P G r
Déposé le 28 Septembre 2023
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Leggett Immobilier France a répondu à cet avis :
Monsieur G., Nous sommes désolés de lire que vous n'avez pas été entièrement satisfait par votre expérience avec Leggett Immobilier International. L‘acheteur potentiel ayant fait une offre à 270 000 € avait été prévenu par notre agent que cette offre ne serait sûrement pas acceptée suite à vos directives, mais ce dernier a malgré tout insisté pour que cette offre vous soit présentée. En aucun cas notre agent ne lui a conseillé de proposer ce prix, votre propriété a d'ailleurs été vendue au prix net vendeur que vous souhaitiez, c’est à dire 300 000€. La personne présente le jour de la vente était sa traductrice accréditée, qui a été présentée aux acheteurs, et non à vous, car vous êtes arrivé après le début du rendez-vous. Nous sommes désolés si cela vous a offensé. Cordialement,
L’équipe Leggett Immobilier International


Mise en vente
The agent sold our property to her friend's daughter - was this a "Conflict of interest" We got the lower end of the price the agent put on the property. Financial papers and files were taken away by the agent without our permission. NO "for sale board" was put up - "it would encourage people to be nosey and ask the price" was what the agent told us when we met her in May. Left standing at the Notaires - we had to ask the agent, how and when the payment would be made
Déposé le 2 Juin 2023
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Severement decu

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La vente s’est produit , a perdu Le sommeil , l’argent et les biens personnels.
Déposé le 28 Mars 2023
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Leggett Immobilier France a répondu à cet avis :
Bonjour, Nous vous remercions d'avoir pris le temps de nous faire part de votre expérience et vous assurons qu’elle ne reflète pas la qualité de notre service. Pourriez-vous nous donner plus d'informations via notre adresse e-mail pour que nous comprenions ce qu'il s’est passé ? Merci,
L'équipe Leggett Immobilier International

ummm.. she destroyed my faith in agents. Made me feel abussed in my own home!

Mise en vente
I have bought and sold several homes in France and this agent was recommended by someone. The house was already on the market through a couple of agents and the price was suggested by them. Your agent didn't have a good thing to say about our house. She asked my how much I paid a year and a half ago.. I said it was non of her business.. I can find out you know she said! and she did. She then emailed me saying how much id paid and that I should get advice from a notaire about capital gains despite it being my only home and my not having lived in the UK for years...She told me it was too expensive as well.. which I knew already but it was never going to be cheap as chips! After receiving yet another horrible message from her and seeing the advert which had not good word to say about the house I asked to remove the advert. I filled in the form and sent it to head office. I called head office and they persuaded me to drop her as an agent, and they would find someone else. They havent!.. This is a couple of weeks later and the house still sits there with the most awful description... I really can't be bothered now... I thought you were a good agency but am really upset. The house is lovely, just a walk from the town and suitable for two ponies or a small holding. its a few hundred meters from a river with fresh watercress, open country walks all around and very little traffic... completely renovated but a home not a chocolate holiday home.
Déposé le 7 Décembre 2022
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Leggett Immobilier France a répondu à cet avis :
Dear Ms. P., we are very sorry to read about your experience. We do everything we can to ensure a quick sale for each and every property that is entrusted to us, which is what our agent did with your property to the best of her ability, although maybe not how you expected. We take every feedback we receive very seriously, our local area coordinator will be in touch with you to better understand what happened. Best regards,
L'équipe Leggett Immobilier International

I do not understand the question

Mise en vente
very bad experience. My sister lived in France and after she died I inherited the house and we chose to sell the house. Prior to her death I had not visited the house or had any experienec of French propert trans actions. We chose Legatt as the agents spoke good english. They undervalued the property compared to other agents and pushed me into signing a mandat. At the last moment we increased the Mandat from 125,000 to 145,000 and still found a buyer within a week. At this point we were advised that we could not ask for more as the mandat did not permit it. Why with my lack of experience of french property transactions was I not told of this vital piece of information? The naivity of the agent in not understanding the value of the site and its potential was very testing.
Déposé le 6 Juillet 2022
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Leggett Immobilier France a répondu à cet avis :
Dear Ms. M., thank you for taking the time to write to us, we are sorry to read that you were not satisfied with your experience with us, we can assure you that this does not reflect the quality of our services. Unfortunately, it is not legally possible to accept an over-the-mandated price offer, and we are sorry you feel there was a lack of information on that point before you signed the mandate. Our clients are free to choose to work with us or not after valuation, and although we are always on the lookout for new houses to show to our buyers, we would never push our clients to sign a mandate with us if they didn’t want to. Every feedback we receive is really important for us and we will feed this information back to the relevant team members so we can keep improving. Best regards,
L'équipe Leggett Immobilier International

Extremely poor service

Mise en vente
The service we received was so bad that, at times, it felt like our agent was playing a joke on us. We had to send the same documents numerous times, we never got an update without having to ask for one, and it took 3 weeks and many emails after the sale completed for us to get the money.
Déposé le 3 Mai 2022
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Leggett Immobilier France a répondu à cet avis :
Dear M. K., we are really sorry to read that you were not satisfied with your experience with Leggett, we can assure you that this does not reflect the quality of our service. We take your message very seriously and we will feed this information back to the relevant team members so we can make sure this does not happen again, and keep improving. Best regards,
L'équipe Leggett Immobilier International

Not a great Estate Agent

Mise en vente
While the estate agent is knowledgeable the lack of communication from her was ridiculous especially as everything was by email, we would only be given updates after we sent numerous emails chasing updates. Questions we asked about safer end dates etc where totally ignored by both the agent and Notaire, enquires about French tax ignored that we asked. We was asked by the agent to get the boiler serviced just a few weeks prior to completion only to find out this was not required! We was advised to clear rubbish from the house 5 days prior to completion only to find out this was again not in the contract! We are still awaiting the Diagnostics refund when advised it should be refunded on completion day. The agent made the selling process a lot more stressful than it needed to be simply because she did not communicate and keep us inform or if she did it was last minute. Even the day before completion we emailed asking what happens on completion day and got a very vague answer and it took several emails and phones calls on the day to find out if completion had taken place. I would never use or recommend Leggett’s again
Déposé le 19 Janvier 2022
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Leggett Immobilier France a répondu à cet avis :
Dear Sir, We are very sorry to hear that your sale did not progress perfectly. We always work hard to give our clients the best possible experience, and excellent quality of service is something that we take very seriously. We also listen to all client feedback so that we can improve wherever possible. We apologise for the inconvenience caused by this situation and the communication issues. Unfortunately, we remain dependent on Notaires and on information that they give to us. Once again, please accept our apologies. Best regards,
L'équipe Leggett Immobilier

92 % de recommandation
Site internet
Adresse du professionnel
Leggett Immobilier France
24340 Rochebeaucourt-et-Argentine
Horaires d'ouverture
Lundi :   9h00 - 20h00
Mardi :   9h00 - 20h00
Mercredi :   9h00 - 20h00
Jeudi :   9h00 - 20h00
Vendredi :   9h00 - 20h00
Samedi :   9h00 - 20h00
Dimanche :   Fermé